You definitely can make use of doggie treats to help you train your dog or to reward him for behaving well. But of course, you have to make sure that they are not only appetizing but also healthy at the same time, ensuring that they do not hurt your dog instead of yielding good results. There is a wide range of treats you can choose from, from foods you can find in your fridge to those you can find in the stores. One treat that your dog can enjoy is the chicken jerky treats for dogs.
Here are the pros and cons of chicken jerky treats for dogs:
Usually made from chicken breast, the treat is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. And, as it is high in protein, it is not added with gluten. Gluten is a protein that comes from wheat and other related grains, including barley and rye. A treat being gluten-free is important because the hormone may cause allergies, causing skin and digestive disorders among dogs. Thus, if you just choose the right product carefully, the treat is an appetizing and healthy reward for your dog.
The disadvantage of the treat is more of the substandard products that get displayed in store shelves. The FDA issued a warning on chicken jerky products made in China as a number of them were reported to be contaminated, causing sickness and even death among dogs. The FDA is not recommending that they be avoided all together, though. You just have to check the labels carefully, making sure that they are made in the USA and not in China. This way, you can be assured of the safety of these products because of the strict manufacturing practices in the USA.
To sum up, chicken jerky treats are an appetizing and healthy reward and snack for your dog as long as you take the time to thoroughly check the product you are going to buy.
Source by Sherry R Bray